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ifu Expert News
Ladies and Gentlemen,
Today our Christmas Edition of the ifu Expert News arrives "fresh from the press"! Hopefully, you are enjoying the pre-Christmas atmosphere already.
Before the year ends, we would like to share some best practices and articles on resource efficiency with you. Perhaps you can even find some inspiration for the new year?
Chocolate efficiently produced
Ritter Sport Team
Benjamin Flaig, energy manager for the chocolate manufacturer Ritter Sport, reports on the success factors of his field of activity: employee motivation, questioning established methods and his understanding of energy efficiency as "intelligent laziness".
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Energy efficiency in cement industry
Holcim plant site
Cement is the most widely produced product in the world, with enormous energy consumption in production. Werner Carstensen of LafargeHolcim, the globally leading cement producer, takes a close look at the energy flows in order to find optimization potential.
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MFCA as strategic instrument
Filter cutting
Julian Nuss from Junker Filter talks about Material Flow Cost Accounting (MFCA) as an important tool for strategic business and investment decisions, the impact on productivity and what measurable savings have been achieved so far.
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Turning waste into bioplastic
Sustainable plastic
Is it a sustainable alternative to turn waste from bioethanol production into a resource for bioplastic? A Life Cycle Sustainability Assessment (LCSA) helps to answer this question in the EU-funded project called “BioREFINE-2G”
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On behalf of the entire ifu Hamburg team, I would like to take this opportunity to wish you a Merry Christmas and a successful year 2019!
Our newsletter could be interesting for a colleague? Then please forward this e-mail.
With best regards from Hamburg,
Martina Prox
iPoint is your Partner for Product Compliance and Sustainability

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